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Li Mingyuan, Deputy Secretary of Xian Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, visited Shaanxi Automobile for investigation

Author :Heavy Duty Truck     Add Time : 2022.02.06     PV :

On January 13, Li Mingyuan, deputy secretary of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee and mayor, went to Shaanxi Automobile Xi'an Commercial Vehicle Industrial Park to investigate the epidemic prevention and control work and the resumption of work and production. Accompanied by Yuan Hongming, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Shaanxi Automobile Holdings, and Zhou Xiangqiang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager, Li Mingyuan walked into the auto assembly plant to learn more about the implementation of the company's epidemic control and the return of employees.

Li Mingyuan emphasized that enterprises should resolutely implement the requirements of the central, provincial and municipal epidemic prevention, strengthen the main responsibility, continuously improve the epidemic prevention and control plan, and realize the closed-loop management of employees' meals and work areas with "two points and one line" control measures, and strengthen supervision, inspection and disinfection. Work, develop a docking mechanism, and make every effort to protect the life, health and safety of employees.

Shaanxi Automobile Holding Party Committee Member Liu Shui Re, Shaanxi Heavy Truck General Manager Zhi Baojing, Deputy General Manager Wang Chunsong, and Shaanxi Automobile Holding Board Secretary Hui Zhanlao accompanied the investigation.

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